Borderlands 3’s Moze is Pure Mech Mayhem – E3 2019 Hands-On - Videogames Blogs

Borderlands 3’s Moze is Pure Mech Mayhem – E3 2019 Hands-On

Back at the Borderlands 3 reveal event, we had the opportunity to get our hands on two of the four new Vault Hunters. Zane and Amara are both very distinct characters, with Amara taking on the Siren role for this game (meaning she?s got some pretty amazing larger-than-life abilities), and Zane harboring a sweet decoy to be able to confuse enemies in combat. Of course it?s hard to boil these characters? identities down into a single sentence for each, but that gets across the general gist of their abilities. They can be customized far beyond that though, so anyone playing as the same character might still be able to embrace a different play style.
For their showing at E3, Gearbox wanted to add a new character to the mix. While we could have played as Zane or Amara again, we wanted to check out Moze the Gunner, whose action skill is calling down a mech named Iron Bear. She?s got lots of options when it comes to outfitting Iron Bear with various implements of mass destruction, so once again, any two Moze players are unlikely to be identical. That?s really a big theme with Borderlands 3. While it will still just have the four Vault Hunters (and is unlikely to get any more post-launch), Borderlands 3 is really focusing on diversity of builds within each character class, meaning that the possibilities for gameplay style are near endless.
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