Bungie Gives a Look at the Complicated World of Game Development After Fixing Destiny 2 Bug
It?s easy to get made at a game developer for bugs and issues with their game. Too often you?ll see players take to social media to voice their outrage, wondering things like ?what?s going on over there"? and ?does QA even do their jobs"? The truth is, game development is an extraordinarily complex beast, and games like Destiny 2 perhaps even more so when you consider how many systems impact other systems. After hitting a particularly nasty inventory deletion bug for the second time in two weeks, Bungie opened up about why the issue happened, what they did to fix it, and how they plan to prevent it in the future. It?s a fascinating look into just how complicated game development can be, particularly with live service games that have countless moving parts all interacting with one another. In this particular instance, bugs at reset on January 28, 2020, and again on February 11, 2020, caused players to lose certain items from their inventories. In both instances, it required Bungie to issue account rollbacks to server backups from earlier each morning, the first time Bungie?s ever needed to do such a rollback in Destiny history. The bug involved a complicated interaction between how quests were coded for inventory management and Destiny 2?s unique server configurations. Warning: it?s about to get a little bit technical.
PB = PB || {};
PB.gptStandAlone = PB.gptStandAlone || {};
PB.gptAutoRefresh = PB.gptAutoRefresh || {'gptAds':[]...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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