Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Asks Reddit Fans to Remain Civil
The last few days have been rough for the Call of Duty community. While many were expressing excitement about Modern Warfare?s story trailer reveal during State of Play, others were lamenting news of PlayStation 4 exclusive content. For a full year after launch, the PS4 version of Modern Warfare will have exclusive access to Spec Ops Survival Mode. Infinity Ward developers have already explained that such decisions are above them. Yet, this hasn?t mitigated the vitriol spread by some fans, particularly on Reddit. Consequently, one developer has addressed the issue outright on Reddit, reminding fans that there are people behind this project. They, too, have an online presence, and see much of the hostility.
Joel, an Infinity Ward team member, shared a post on Reddit titled ?A developer?s POV.? His post begins by reminding fans that Infinity Ward devs regularly visit the Modern Warfare subreddit, as they are always on the lookout for feedback. As such, watching community forums like Reddit is a part of the job, meaning they see the ?current drama.? However, in garnering ?useful feedback,? developers are also noticing ?ultra dark toxic comments.? The team at IW wants fans to share their critiques, even if they aren?t presented in the nicest fashion. But remembering the humans with feelings who read said comments is key.
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Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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