Call of Duty: WWII Collectibles Guide – All 33 Memento Locations - Videogames Blogs

Call of Duty: WWII Collectibles Guide – All 33 Memento Locations

Call of Duty: WWII has 11 missions, and each one has three mementos to collect, for a total of 33 collectibles in the game. It’s quite easy to run through the entire campaign without ever finding one of these if you aren’t looking, so our guide is here to help you grab every single one as you play. The guide is broken up into each mission, listing the three mementos available Once you collect the memento, there is no need to finish the mission or reach a checkpoint. The memento is saved the moment you pick it up. Use this guide while you’re playing through the campaign to get them all, or as a clean up guide when you go back through with chapter select.
Call of Duty WWII Mementos Location Guide – All Collectibles
Mission 1 – D-Day Memento 1 – Nazi Knife

-After you breach the seawall and you are running through the trenches, don’t leave the trenches by turning left up the stairs at the end. Continue forward to the small bunker and you will see the knife stuck into a log in the bunker.
Memento 2 – Compass

-You will be tasked with clearing five bunkers. Clear the third bunker but do not enter the fourth. Back track to the path between the second and third bunkers. A green door will now be open and inside this small room, on a chest near the back, is the compass.
Memento 3 – Pathfinder Patch

-Destroy the artillery gun (Red will light up a helmet full of thermite). After it is down, check the small barn by the gun. The pa...

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