Capcom is “Proud” of Ninja Theory’s Work on DmC - Videogames Blogs

Capcom is “Proud” of Ninja Theory’s Work on DmC

Ninja Theory’s DmC: Devil May Cry remains divisive amongst fans. On one hand, the combat is stellar and the visuals are impressive. On the other side of the coin sits a departure from Dante’s characterization and the overarching narrative that still renders many upset. Seemingly, the team behind Devil May Cry 5 knows of these qualms and is working to expand upon the foundation laid by DMC1–4. However, that doesn’t mean Ninja Theory’s work doesn’t matter. In fact, Capcom takes pride in the 2013 title.
In an interview, Devil May Cry 5 producer tells VG247, ?[Devil May Cry 5] is definitely a game for the fans. We?ve heard fans asking for a sequel to the storyline of DMC4 for over ten years. But this isn?t a slight at Ninja Theory or DmC at all. We all love DmC.? Walker continues, saying game director Hideaki Itsuno and his team learned a lot from working alongside Ninja Theory in the development process. Ninja Theory left an indelible mark on the series.
Itsuno-san himself has explicitly stated that in his mind, DmC is just as important as any of the other titles in the series, and he?s just as proud of it. That game had an amazing world all its own, that could only have been produced by the amazing artists and imaginations at Ninja Theory.
We learned a lot from working with Ninja Theory on that title, and we hope that they benefited in some way as well. Itsuno-san has stressed several times in conversations with me that he?s taken what h...

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