CastleStorm VR Highlights One of PSVR’s Most Desperately Needed Features - Videogames Blogs

CastleStorm VR Highlights One of PSVR’s Most Desperately Needed Features

CastleStorm VR’s virtual medieval theater room.
This summer has seen a crazy amount of PlayStation VR titles release, with the likes of Theseus, SUPERHOT VR, Archangel, and SmashBox Arena all having just released in the last couple of weeks. This week brings us Dino Frontier and the Zen Studios’ long lived CastleStorm VR being the PSVR version of a game that’s been releasing in various forms for four years. With no shortage of content for the platform (some good and some bad), it’s high time Sony starts looking at essential new features for PSVR.
As I reviewed CastleStorm VR, I took particular note of the method that Zen Studios used to portray the main menu and the game’s cutscenes: A virtual theater. This particular theater is a medieval room made of wood and stone. A helmet and sword rest on the seat to my left and a drink and popcorn sit on the chair to my right. A pair of knights flank the screen, occasionally shifting their stance. Looking up, you can see the light from the projector filtering through the musty theater air. Even turning completely around show the king and princess watching the screen from the back row of the theater. The ambiance is incredible, the sense of presence palpable. The screen in front of me really feels like a massive movie screen in a far more interesting environment than PSVR’s current boring screen that floats in an empty blackness. While I love my PlayStation VR, I rarely ever use it for any kind of ...

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