Catch the Anthem Livestream on November 1, 2018

Anthem very rarely takes center stage. PAX West 2018 unleashed a whole host of new information about the game. Blog posts from the developers also relay fresh details every so often. However, the public has not seen gameplay footage since weeks after E3 2018. That will change soon, according to Lead Producer Mike Gamble.
Gamble recently took to Twitter to announce that he and fellow Lead Producer Ben Irving will host an Anthem livestream on November 1, 2018.
Actually it?s November first. So that Ben can wear his giant transformers costume without worrying about his camera face.
? Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) October 22, 2018
Based on Gamble’s tweets, the livestream won’t have much though put into it. They intend to “grab a random build,” avoid crashing the game, and let the chips fall where they may. Development on Anthem went into the alpha stage several weeks ago, but it’s unclear if that version of the game will be on display during the livestream. Regardless of what version gets the spotlight, seeing new footage is bound to excite fans, particularly due to the long wait.
As of now, Gamble has yet to reveal what time the livestream will go live. We also don’t know how long it will last.
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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