Check Out This Video Showcasing New Valkyria Chronicles 4 Gameplay - Videogames Blogs

Check Out This Video Showcasing New Valkyria Chronicles 4 Gameplay

Valkyria Chronicles 4 is set to launch in just a handful of months, and to celebrate that SEGA has released a brand new, 7-minute gameplay video on the upcoming title. Most of the video seems to feature scenes taken out of cutscenes from the game, but we do get a great look at some gameplay (and some nice music) throughout. Fans can check out the full gameplay video below.

Even though the game isn?t coming for a couple of months, SEGA has been releasing info at a fairly steady rate. Just last week, they revealed Ragnarok, a medic dog that will work together with Karen Stuart, a medic soldier. SEGA also released more information regarding some other characters in the upcoming game, which you can find below:
Another character is also introduced on the left side of the preview scan. She is Angelica Farnaby, voiced in Japanese by Ayane Sakura. She is a civilian girl who has an amnesia. However, due to her bright, selfless, and kind personality, she quickly becomes popular among army soldiers. There is also a scene where she stands face-to-face against the enemy Valkyria, Climaria Levin. Famitsu also uploaded a screenshot featuring a new red-haired woman with glasses who doesn’t appear in the preview scan. She is Minerva Victor, who will be voiced in Japanese by Saori Hayami. She is the squad leader of Squad F, putting her in the same rank as Claude. Although she’s honoring the codes of chivalry, she is also sociable to her squad members.
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