Close Quarters Added to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Beta - Videogames Blogs

Close Quarters Added to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Beta

Another day, another addition to the Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout beta. Earlier this week, we saw Treyarch and Activision increase their player count for their battle royale mode. Next, the first event-based playlist Fast Collapse appeared. Now, the second event-based playlist has been tossed into the mix. The mode is called Close Quarter,s and it’s a solo game mode where players battle it out only using SMGs, shotguns, handguns, and even fists.
Iconic Call of Duty series characters also make a reappearance, including Mason, Menendez, Reznov, and Woods. In addition to all of this, Treyarch continues to make tweaks to the gameplay itself, based on community feedback. Below is what the company is currently working on, as stated on Reddit:
Item Pickup Proximity: We?re working on making Items easier to pick up without having to look directly down at them. This is not likely to be something we can patch in the Beta, but will be available on launch day.

Footsteps: We are working behind the scenes to adjust footstep volume so that your own steps and the steps of your teammates won?t sound louder than the footsteps of your enemies. We are still investigating any issues associated with adding that to the Beta.

Perk Consumable – Awareness: Speaking of footsteps, in addition to the above, we have made and are testing changes to Awareness so that your own team?s footsteps are muted even further. We are optimistic that this one might make it in before t...

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