Cody Comes Back In Spiffy New Outfit in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition - Videogames Blogs

Cody Comes Back In Spiffy New Outfit in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Cody, the rebellious on-and-off prison inmate, will be returning in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, as Metro City?s new mayor. Yes, instead of the ruffian he once was, Capcom announced that Cody?s story on his release will tackle his duties as the mayor of Metro City.
Cody was first seen from a beat-em up series called Final Fight. His first appearance on a Street Fighter game was on Street Fighter Alpha 3. As a battle hungry fellow, Cody repeatedly gets thrown in prison, or returns voluntarily. He casually broke out in Super Street Fighter IV, since he was super bored of the prison life. Being unable to thrive in a peaceful environment, however, he returned to prison by his own will. Now, in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, Mike Haggar cleans Cody?s slate of his crimes, which suddenly lead him to become Metro City?s mayor. Even with constant complaints, Cody really finds pleasure in his new line of work, and he is dedicated to proving that he?s worth the position. However, he still is the same ruffian we all know and loved, and this doesn?t stop him from solving problems with his fists. Or with his knives. Or with his trusty pipe. Cody will have new moves up his sleeve with his current rendition in SFV, via Capcom:
Cody?s move set in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition resembles that of his previous appearances, but altered to fit his new spiffy style. When not in V-Trigger, Cody can no longer throw rocks as a projectile or unleash a Criminal Upper like before. Instead, ...

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