Compare the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro Versions of The Evil Within 2 - Videogames Blogs

Compare the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro Versions of The Evil Within 2

The Evil Within 2 received Xbox One X support late last year, and that means its one of the most recent games to support both Sony and Microsoft’s high-end consoles. This led to Digital Foundry conducting a test to compare the two versions to see which plays and looks the best.
If you don’t have time to watch the full The Evil Within 2 Xbox One X vs PS4 Pro comparison video, here’s the summary from DigitalFoundry’s video description (spoiler: Xbox One X provides the slightly better experience):
Tango Gameworks adds a fascinating vote of support for this generation’s two enhanced machines. With the patch arriving at the tail-end of 2017, Xbox One X’s native 3200×1800 update gives it a clear lead in image quality over PS4 Pro. Resolution is a curious point; while the developer’s 1.02 patch notes state 2240×1260 is the native res on PS4 Pro, multiple tests with the EU and US versions right now show a straight 1920×1080 on patch 1.03. We have contacted publisher Bethesda for more information, and will update the video as soon as we know more. In either case, Xbox one X gives a much more satisfying result with 4K selected – and while 30fps target isn’t as rock-solid there, it’s a better experience overall for those on ultra HDTV.
iew Digital Foundry’s The Evil Within 2 Xbox One X vs PS4 Pro comparison below:

For even more on the horror game, check out our The Evil Within 2 review. Here’...

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