Dead Secret Review – Mobile Tension (PS4/PSVR) - Videogames Blogs

Dead Secret Review – Mobile Tension (PS4/PSVR)

Dead Secret originally released back in 2015. It was in development as a mobile title before the studio decided to switch it over to virtual reality development. Launched for the mobile VR platforms first, it was eventually ported to PC VR headsets Oculus and Vive before finally releasing on PSVR this week. In the year and a half since PSVR hit the market, we’ve seen myriad advancements in the games and tech that are making their way to the system. I was skeptical that an old mobile-VR port could keep up.
There are a lot of great ideas stowed away in Dead Secret’s lonely little farmhouse. Instead of a horror game, Dead Secret builds suspense throughout. It generates the same feeling one might have when going into a dark basement alone, letting the mystery of the unknown and what might be just around the corner carry the player’s fear. Occasional moments of true terror keep the suspense engaged just when it starts to falter. A glimpse of a figure standing behind you in a mirror, someone slowly creeping up the stairs towards, or having limited vision in a dark cellar maintain the intense feelings that something could be lurking around every corner. Clearly, somebody or something doesn’t want you investigating Harris Bullard’s murder.
Virtual reality has the added benefit of immersing players. Even when the graphics aren’t all that great, poking your head into a doorway or glancing at a mirror as you walk past can create feelings of anxiet...

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