Death Stranding in Top 10 Most Talked About E3 Topics on Twitter - Videogames Blogs

Death Stranding in Top 10 Most Talked About E3 Topics on Twitter

E3 2018 has come and gone but the residual hype has yet to take a breather. For about five days earlier in the month, E3 ranked among the hottest topics on Twitter. If a specific studio or publisher wasn’t trending, you could bet several games were. Thankfully, Twitter keeps track of it all.
In a recent blog post, Twitter shares the results of their findings. Compared to the weeks leading up to E3, Twitter notes a 94% increase in social media discussions about gaming during E3. In total, 15 million E3-related tweets were sent from across the globe. The breakdown of countries where these conversations were most popular is as follows:

United States
United Kingdom

Admittedly, there isn’t anything too shocking there. However, the list of most talked about topics overall does yield a few surprises.
Super Smash Bros.
Kingdom Hearts
Elder Scrolls
Death Stranding

Nintendo landing the top spot, while not a mind-blowing reveal, is interesting. It certainly makes sense, though, when considering this E3 featured the first real roll out of Super Smash Bros. details. Of course, this also explains Smash’s making the list as the third most tweeted about topic.
Everything else is pretty straightforward. Yet, Death Stranding is probably the biggest surprise of all. It’s the only new IP on the list. The other five games or series are known quantities that already have a dedicated following. This...

PlayStation® Live From E3 2017 | Day 2
