Decide Which Gambit Prime Role You Want to Play in Destiny 2’s Season of the Drifter - Videogames Blogs

Decide Which Gambit Prime Role You Want to Play in Destiny 2’s Season of the Drifter

The Season of the Drifter in Destiny 2 brings sharp focus to Destiny 2?s PvEvP mode Gambit, and of course, The Drifter himself. The rogue Guardian has a new dangerous game for Lightbearers to play called Gambit Prime and it leans heavily into the four main roles that players can take on in the game mode. New armor will unlock perks allowing for unique play styles within each of these modes, and Bungie released a video detailing each of the roles? perks and how they will change the game.

Gambit has evolved.
Choose your role: Reaper, Sentry, Collector, Invader.
? Destiny The Game (@DestinyTheGame) March 4, 2019

In order to get the armor you want, you?ll need to play Gambit Prime and perform actions under the specific role, which will grant you one of four consumables. You can take those consumables into a new matchmade activity called The Reckoning to get a chance at earning a piece of the armor set. Take that armor back into Gambit Prime where it will unlock the specific role perks, and rinse and repeat. The more armor pieces you have, the more role perks will be unlocked. You can also mix and match if you want to multiclass with lower level perks rather than go for each role?s master perk. If you can?t decide which role you want to be, we?ve put together this handy guide to help you figure out which Gambit Prime Guardian you are.
Destiny 2 Gambit Prime Perk Guide

Sentry Perks

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