Deep Sea Exploration Game Beyond Blue Announced With Beautiful Trailer
We’ve gone to so many places in video games: space, Hell, uhh, space again, but we’ve rarely dived into the depths of the deep blue sea. Step forward Beyond Blue, an exploration title from the team behind Never Alone. There’s even an incredible trailer to go along with it.
If you’ve ever seen the BBC series Planet Earth II, the above trailer might seem a bit familiar. That’s not a coincidence. E-Line Media’s CEO Michael Angst revealed that the broadcaster reached out to his team with the idea to create a game based on the theme of oceans and preservation, and they duly obliged.
So, what’s Beyond Blue all about" “If you have some of this amazing technology that lets us explore the ocean in a less intrusive way, and allows us to more deeply understand it? how would you use that time"” opines Angst, both presenting the game’s premise and simultaneously allowing gamers to have a bit of introspection for the world around them, something that will be key to the game’s core values. Looking part-Abzu, part-Inside, and part-No Man’s Sky (“A lot of the choice of the game is what quests or research threads you want to prioritize and what that means in terms of stakes in the narrative,” Angst explains), this is one game that will, ethically, chuck you straight in at the deep end, yet will still aim to amaze with its dazzling beauty. Definitely one to keep a beady eye on.
Beyond Blue i...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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