Destiny 2 Crimson Days Will Shun Microtransactions, Offer Player Friendly Reward System - Videogames Blogs

Destiny 2 Crimson Days Will Shun Microtransactions, Offer Player Friendly Reward System

In a bid to gain back the favor of fans and prove that their decisions are about what’s best for the player, and not necessarily the bottom line, Bungie offered up details on next week’s Destiny 2 Crimson Days event. The biggest news is that the limited time Crimson Engrams will only be available through gameplay, meaning that there won’t be any push for players to get out their credit cards once the well of earnable loot has run dry. Destiny 2 faced heavy criticism for this artificial cap during The Dawning event, which pushed players to Eververse to spend real money on a chance at getting the limited time items.
That’s not all that’s changing. Original Destiny players will note some key changes to Destiny 2 Crimson Days that make it more friendly to all Guardians. Primarily a PVP based event, Crimson Days brings a new limited time mode to the Crucible that Bungie describes as “2v2 Clash with a round-based twist.” In Destiny 1, it was called Crimson Doubles, but the announcement makes no mention of that name this time, so it may be changing. The limited time mode will feature some unique mechanics for two players. Stay in close proximity to your partner, and both of your abilities will recharge at a faster rate, but stray too far apart and the enemy will receive a waypoint leading them right to where you are. It’s a pretty interesting change from Destiny 1 Crimson Days, where your partner’s death would superpower the r...

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