Destiny 2 Players Uncover Real-Life Treasure Cache While Solving a Warmind Puzzle - Videogames Blogs

Destiny 2 Players Uncover Real-Life Treasure Cache While Solving a Warmind Puzzle

A hidden puzzle in Destiny 2‘s latest Warmind expansion has led players to a real-life treasure cache containing replica items from the game. Reddit users joined forces to solve a cipher that started off as a symbol in AI Rasputin?s bunker, with one Redditor unlocking the following message:
Thank you for taking the time to piece together this message, friend. The time of our final conflict is drawing closer and you and Ana have an important role to play in the events to come. So watch over her, Guardian. I would have no life without Ana or the Exoprogram. I regret that we have become strangers, but we each have a path that we must walk. And, ironically, there never seems to be enough time. Tell her Rasputin?s first attempt was in the right location, but the wrong moment. Look here: 43.549573, -73.544868 – e The note is penned by Ana’s sister Elsie, who is the Stranger from the original.
The coordinates listed are for Sleeping Beauty Mountain in upstate New York, prompting another Redditor who lives nearby to take a look. Turns out, Warmind developer Vicarious Visions had been hiding a replica spear, a box of coins, some notes, and a journal in the area!
You can check out photos of the items in the gallery below, and can find detailed write ups on the puzzle and its solution on Reddit and Kotaku.


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