Destiny 2: Shadowkeep Impressions – They Weren’t Lying When They Said the Moon Was Haunted
Let me be absolutely clear from the jump: This is not a review. It?s impossible to review Destiny 2: Shadowkeep only 48 hours after it launched, and there?s still a bunch of stuff in the pipe to come throughout the season. That?s the nature of a living game. (Of course, that begs the question of when exactly do you issue a final review for it, but that?s a topic for another time.) Right now, after a solid two afternoons and evenings (and nights well into the wee hours of the morning) of playing Shadowkeep, I have thoughts rattling around that I need to get out?most good, some critical, but all in expectation that this is an ever evolving experience with more to come.
Lunar Campaign (No Spoilers)
I want to talk more about the campaign in all its glorious spoilery detail in a separate post (perhaps after the Raid launches and Vex Offensive begins), but for the sake of those who have yet to partake and have as yet remained spoiler free, I?ll keep this broad. Shadowkeep keeps its promises of telling a story about something Eris Morn uncovered on the moon, creating the nightmares that now infest the lunar surface and tunnels that run beneath it. It is excessively simple and concludes rather rapidly, though Bungie is now approaching telling the story in a different way that will span the next four Seasons. As long as they can deliver on that, Shadowkeep acts as an excellent intro into what?s to come.
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Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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