Destiny Update Is a Hotfix, Focuses Solely on Sandbox Tuning - Videogames Blogs

Destiny Update Is a Hotfix, Focuses Solely on Sandbox Tuning

Entirely focused on Sandbox tuning, and not featuring any other changes or fixes, Destiny update today on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One is a Hotfix.
Released at 10am PT/1pm ET, the update shouldn’t kick you from any activities, but you will be required to log in to Destiny again after returning to the title screen to install the Hotfix. If you haven’t installed the Hotfix by 2pm PT/5pm ET, you’ll be removed from online activities to grab it.
Here’s some of the patch notes for Destiny update The full list can be seen on Bungie’s website:
Special Ammo
Adjusted Special ammo economy in all gametypes

Players start Crucible matches with Special amm
Special ammo is now lost upon death: Sidearms are not affected by this change Special ammo crates now appear every 60 seconds (initial spawn and respawn)
Special ammo crates are shared with allies within 75m (down from 100m)
Special ammo timing in Mayhem is unchanged

Elimination Game Types

Round time limit has been reduced to 90 seconds (down from 2 minutes)
Players only start with Special ammo for Round 1 in Elimination gametypes: Special ammo timing is 30s initial, then 45s respawns; Special ammo is wiped at the beginning of subsequent rounds

Hand Cannons

Significantly increased initial accuracy (returns to Launch / Year 1)
Reduced base range to 35m from 40m
Reduced Aim Assist and Magnetism at longer ranges
Reduced minimum damage after falloff from 50% to 33%


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