Detroit Become Human’s Musical Experimentation Made Connor Come to Life - Videogames Blogs

Detroit Become Human’s Musical Experimentation Made Connor Come to Life

According to a recent interview, composer Nima Fakhrara was given all the freedom he needed to create the soundtrack for Connor in Detroit: Become Human. Fakhrara appeared on the WSHU Public Radio’s Music Respawn podcast to discuss his process. When it came to creating the score for Connor, Fakhrara’s guiding question was, “How would an android compose music"… it’s supposed to be mathematical.” He went on to say, “It’s supposed to be really complex and sometimes it doesn’t make sense, but it’s what Connor is.”
Connor’s main theme was created on a vintage synthesizer, and it was the first song Fakhrara wrote for the project. He opted for the old school option, because vintage synthesizers have an unpredictability that analog ones just don’t have. He felt this calculated chaos fit perfectly for Connor’s character. The music has a pulsing melody that creates tension, while highlighting the robotic nature of Connor. The need to depict Connor as the least human of the playable characters is what caused Fakhrara to reject traditional instrument choices. While violins and violas were used, amplifiers were not. This lack of resonance created a sense of emotional detachment.
As a composer, Fakhrara is known for building his own custom instruments. The Detroit: Become Human project was no exception. Fakhrara crafted a sort of “guitar” to create Connor’s portion of the soundtra...

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