Detroit: Become Human Has Inhumanly Great Music Scores - Videogames Blogs

Detroit: Become Human Has Inhumanly Great Music Scores

Quantic Dreams definitely made us tingle with the release of its trailer for Detroit: Become Human. Now, waiting fans can immerse themselves in the game?s soundtrack as the company unveils a new behind-the-scenes video.
According to Quantic Dreams co-CEO, Guillaume de Fondaumiere:
In Detroit: Become Human, players will be able to control three very unique characters. Although Kara, Connor and Markus are all androids, they are of different makes and have a very different background and function in society. To emphasize these three very different stories, we decided to entrust the original soundtrack to three composers with the aim to create distinct musical colors fitting our main characters? identities and to sustain their individual arc.
To stress Connor?s very cold and mechanical behavior, we chose a primarily electronic soundtrack. For Kara, we wanted a music that would be emotional and moving, underlining her quest for identity, love and empathy. For Markus, we needed a soundtrack that would be epic and represent the grand aspect of his journey. We were very fortunate to find three very talented composers who accepted this highly unusual approach.
Below are more statements from Fondaumiere regarding three samples of music scores that the three composers made for each character:

Kara Main Theme
Composer: Philip Sheppard
We first contacted Philip Sheppard, a composer and cellist who composed Kara?s soundtrack. We had chosen one of his compositions early on in the develo...

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