Detroit: Become Human PS4 Pro Enhancements and Technical Specifications Revealed - Videogames Blogs

Detroit: Become Human PS4 Pro Enhancements and Technical Specifications Revealed

At GDC 2018, Quantic Dream developers delivered two presentations in which they detailed the technology used in Detroit: Become Human. During the panels, the studio also revealed the game’s PlayStation 4 Pro enhancements.
In the first presentation, we learn that Quantic Dream used new technology to develop Detroit, and prioritized graphics over frame rate. The studio stressed that the upcoming title is not an action game requiring a high frame rate, and said that the developers avoided lengthy loading screens wherever possible.
In terms of graphics on the base console and PS4 Pro, here’s what you can expect:

? 1080p at 30 FPS

? Volumetric lighting: 192x108x64

? Support HDR TV
PS4 Pro

? 2160p checkerboard at 30 FPS
? GUI in full 2160p

? Volumetric lighting: 235x135x64

? Support HDR TV
The second presentation details the lighting technology used in Detroit, and offers an interesting history of development from Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls to the upcoming title.
For those into all things tech and game development, both presentations are an interesting read so make sure to follow the embedded links.
Detroit: Become Human will release on May 25 exclusively on PlayStation 4. For more on the game, check out our recent coverage, which includes interviews with the game’s cast and much more.
The post Detroit: Become Human PS4 Pro Enhancements and Technical Specifications Revealed appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.


