Detroit: Become Human Review – Lessons Learned (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Detroit: Become Human Review – Lessons Learned (PS4)

Every game, movie, TV show, or book should open with a relatable hook, right" It needs to be something that we as viewers, players, consumers, and humans want to see, read, or play. Detroit: Become Human’s androids are that hook. Advanced technology gaining sentience has long been fodder for science-fiction writing, but as we grow ever closer to that reality, Quantic Dream decided to take a far more grounded approach with those themes. In reality, the androids are a smokescreen for a much deeper story that covers a lot of different human elements. At the same time, it allows the player to shape their own path and navigate the nuances of these themes in their own way.
I’m going to attempt to review Detroit without any spoilers, which means I will be talking vaguely about a lot of things. I think the story is far better experienced with all of the surprises, twists, turns, and decisions intact, no matter how minor. When I played through the opening three hours last month, I wrote a long preview that essentially reviewed this early portion of the game. That text still stands and is the foundation on which the rest of the game is built, so I implore you to read it. Detroit is a game about what it means to be human and the problems that many of us face on a daily basis, some more than others.
The opening moments that I wrote about draw players in with familiar and relatable situations. They hint at a greater world full of greater problems, but a microscope pro...

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