Detroit: Become Human to Reverse Poignant Endgame Moment

Though it’s divisive, Quantic Dream’s Detroit: Become Human resonates with many. At the core of the futuristic story exists a question of morality. In some ways, such questions in this regard are easy to broach; after all, the narrative is about robots. However, players may find depth, a reason to pause and genuinely think on what Detroit asks. Are androids with artificial intelligence sentient beings" Is their sentience any more or less worthwhile if they have feelings, emotions" These curiosities and more ground the game’s experience. Interestingly, Quantic Dream will soon add a new wrinkle into the equation that reverses one of the title’s most pivotal moments.
Warning: Spoilers are ahead.
Detroit’s main menu screen is like none other. It’s not a decorative backdrop or plain select screen that greets players when the game boots up. A helpful android, that the narrative later reveals as Chloe, appears on-screen instead. At first, the encounters are uncanny, she’ll mention what day it is, or note her confusion about a decision the player makes in-game. Other instance will see her present a survey. After a while, she becomes that android that greets you whenever you start the game. You expect her; in a way she services the experience. By the game’s end, however, Chloe’s much more than that. She has a body and a place in the game-world as a servant of Elijah Kamski, the inventor of Detroit’s androids. Thu...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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