Devil May Cry 5 Has Ceased Development and There Is No More Content Planned - Videogames Blogs

Devil May Cry 5 Has Ceased Development and There Is No More Content Planned

Now that Devil May Cry 5 has been out for a while, fans are eager for Capcom to release more content. There were some rumblings about a possible add-on that would include the ability to play as Trish or Lady, but one of the producers of the game, Matt Walker, squashed that rumor on Twitter recently.
After a fan asked if more content would be coming, including the ability to play as the ladies, and Walker noted that he?d like that, but that development on Devil May Cry 5 has ended.

Unfortunately dev on DMC5 is finished. I?d personally like to see the ladies playable too. We can only hope that at some point we can convince the people up top that it?s worth doing.
? Matt Walker (@retroOtoko) April 23, 2019

Following that comment, Walker repeated himself in a tweet, saying that there are no more plans for Devil May Cry 5 content. However, he also stated that we would love to see more Resident Evil titles in the works since Resident Evil 2 was such a ?huge success?.
Unfortunately we don?t plan on adding any more content to DMC5. In terms of RE, I sure hope there are more titles in the works cause RE2 was a huge success. ^^
? Matt Walker (@retroOtoko) April 23, 2019

Although a remake of Resident Evil 3 has not been confirmed, it would be shocking if Capcom hasn?t already started development on it. We?ll have to wait and see, but it seems like a no-brainer to follow up with Resident Evil 3, which Capcom might have been teasing on Twitter earlier this month.
Devil May Cry 5...

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