Devil May Cry Anime Currently FREE on the PSN, Here’s How to Get it - Videogames Blogs

Devil May Cry Anime Currently FREE on the PSN, Here’s How to Get it

Devil May Cry 5 released on Friday, March 8, 2019, and our reviewer Joseph Yaden quite liked what he played. If you are unable to play Dante, Nero, and V?s latest adventure because you?re at work, or too broke, have to take care of kids, or whatever other nuisance life has thrown your way that isn?t video game related, perhaps nabbing the anime series for free will tide you over. We have the details on how to go about ?buying? the Devil May Cry anime free on the PSN below!
The PlayStation Store currently has the 2008 (2007 in Japan) anime series, the simply-titled Devil May Cry, discounted by 100%. The 12-episode series would normally run you $24.99 for the HD version, but right now you can get it for absolutely no cost. This appears to only be the case on the PlayStation Store, as the series is available to stream on YouTube for free (in SD), and it is still available for purchase for its regular price of $22.99 on Amazon (also only the SD version).
The PlayStation Store?s website does not show the anime series. It must be purchased from a PlayStation device, or a device that has access to the PlayStation Video application, using a US account. To find the series on the PS4, simply load up the PlayStation Store app, and search for Devil May Cry. You?ll see it mixed in with all the video game entries. Just look for anime Dante holding his blade Rebellion, pointed off towards the right (as seen in the image above).
The Devil May Cry anime series does count as canon for the ...

