DICE Reveals Battlefield V Gameplay Changes, Details Fortifications, and More - Videogames Blogs

DICE Reveals Battlefield V Gameplay Changes, Details Fortifications, and More

With the announcement of Battlefield V complete, players have had a little while to discuss just what the next entry in the Battlefield series might include. Even though we know some information, like the game featuring no loot boxes, players still wanted to know more, and today, DICE helped out players by taking to the Battlefield website to reveal some aspects of the game, including some of the changes coming to its gameplay along with how squad play will change the way you play Battlefield.

Jumping right into the core gameplay changes, the folks behind Battlefield V reveal that they have completely revamped how soldiers move in the upcoming game. Players will now be able to backpedal when lying down, jump through windows, toss back grenades, and much more when they?re finally able to play. ?Sprinting while crouching will be possible ? and so will rolling, diving, and firing from positions you haven?t been able to fire from before,? the post reads. Not only have player soldiers been changed, but so has the world around you. Things like vegetation will react to player movement, making it easier to spot enemies from afar, while an improved rag doll system makes the ground react to a body tumbling around on it. ?You?ll also see a lot more variation in the third-person movements of other soldiers. Previously, when running towards a Conquest flag with your teammates, you saw a group of people sprinting with the same basic move set. In Battlefield V, you might see one soldie...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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