Did the Destiny 2 Raid Team Lead Just Spoil Forsaken’s Raid Boss" - Videogames Blogs

Did the Destiny 2 Raid Team Lead Just Spoil Forsaken’s Raid Boss"

We’ve got less than two months until the next major expansion to Destiny 2, but one of the Raid leads may have just revealed the final Destiny 2: Forsaken Raid boss. Prince Uldren–for as much as he deserves our hate for killing Cayde-6–is little more than a puzzle piece to drive the campaign. By the end of the main story, we’ll have our vengeance, but Uldren’s been hearing a mysterious voice calling to him from beyond the Dreaming City. Forsaken’s second explorable play space is built from the ground up to be an endgame destination, housing the Raid and countless other secrets, but it also means that there’s a larger force at play here than a blue man with a gun.
Joe Blackburn, the Raid Team Lead at Bungie, tweeted an interesting detail earlier today that may have confirmed the identity of the Destiny 2: Forsaken Raid boss.
So @Holtzmann_YT is now asking if he can get the final Forsaken Raid Boss on his tattoo, but I don’t want people pantsing him for spoilers, and also I think she’s way too pretty to go where that tattoo is going.
? Joe Blackburn (@joegoroth) July 9, 2018

Blackburn’s tweet is referring to the GuardianCon livestream that is raising money for charity. Holtzmann, a popular Destiny content creator and now gameplay specialist at Bungie, agreed to get a heart tattoo on his posterior if the Destiny Community Podcast team raised a certain amount within their block. They reached that amount, and Blackbu...
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