Digimon Survive to Feature a Mature Take on the Setting and Origins of Digimon - Videogames Blogs

Digimon Survive to Feature a Mature Take on the Setting and Origins of Digimon

It seems a little weird to consider Digimon and a mature setting, but that is the goal Digimon Survive is aiming for. In a recent interview with Siliconera, producer Habu Kazumasa took the time to talk about what fans can expect in the game. For starters, the game?s plot will center on how Digimon have interacted with humans and help shaped their various mythos. For example, Habu points out that Kyubimon and Dragomon are likely responsible for the legends of Kitsunes and Cthulhu respectively. He mentions that, while Digimon are called ?digital monsters? because of digital devices needed to see them, they have always been around and interacted with humanity.
He also talked about his reasoning for picking Agumon to be the player?s partner Digimon. Simply, the reasoning is that the game takes some cues from popular animated series Digimon Adventure. Habu points out the main character?s partner was Agumon in that show, so he thought it?d be a good idea to do the same for Digmon Survive. As for the other characters that join your party, the goal was to try and highlight some of the more obscure Digimon that haven?t gotten much screentime yet while still matching with the personalities of the human character.
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