Disco Elysium – The Final Cut Review (PS5) – An Amazing Must-Play Masterpiece - Videogames Blogs

Disco Elysium – The Final Cut Review (PS5) – An Amazing Must-Play Masterpiece

Disco Elysium – The Final Cut is a weird and wonderfully dark detective story that is quite unlike anything else you?re likely to have played. It takes the mechanics of a table-top role-playing game and seamlessly integrates them into an original story set in a world heavily steeped in politics. This Final Cut version of the game has new quests and full voice acting which really brings the world to life.
The game begins with you slowly waking up in a hotel room. You don?t remember who you are or what you?re doing there but you do have the mother of all hangovers. After talking to some of the guests in the hotel you discover that you are apparently a police officer who is supposed to be investigating a murder. Instead it looks like you?ve been on a drug and alcohol bender and have been slightly neglecting your duties. Even the murder victim?s body is still hanging from a tree, where it?s been for at least a week. Disco Elysium PS5 Review – The Hangover
While having an amnesic protagonist is somewhat of a cliché in RPGs it?s used to brilliant effect here as you?re left in just as much of a confused state as the protagonist. You?re discovering things at the same time he is and can also shape his personality. The cop is constantly having conversations within his own head and how you respond during these moments can shift the tone from hilarious to bleak at the drop of a hat. The script is incredibly compelling; decisions and actions you take throughout your journey...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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