Disgaea 1 Complete Review – Fortnight of Darkness (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Disgaea 1 Complete Review – Fortnight of Darkness (PS4)

The original Disgaea came out 15 years ago, in 2003. It was a formative game for a baby gamer such as myself, who barely knew what things like anime were at the time outside of Dragon Ball Z. I didn?t even have my own PlayStation 2 at the time, merely getting a sample of the game at a friend?s house. Disgaea wasn?t like anything I had played before (although I had played Final Fantasy Tactics). It was bright and colorful, but weird and macabre at the same time. The good guys were the bad guys, and the cast of characters spent most of the game being jerks to each other. This was a far cry from the likes of Final Fantasy, in which the ensemble casts of flawed fighters still wanted to be friends with each other and do good. I was engrossed, the still developing parts of my brain that would grow into my current weird dork self had begun to stir to life. I?ve played nearly every Disgaea since, including the spinoffs, as well as reading the manga and watching the anime. Now, it?s time to go back to the beginning. Remember Laharl" Do you" Huh"
Disgaea 1 Complete is a new version of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, the game that refuses to die. I don?t mean that in a pejorative sense, it?s just a fact that Disgaea has been ported, referenced within itself, and expanded constantly since that 2003 release. The original game was updated for the PSP, ported to the Nintendo DS, sort of landed on mobile, and even appeared on Steam. Each of these versions are different in some w...
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