Don’t Expect Rocksteady to Show Up for SDCC - Videogames Blogs

Don’t Expect Rocksteady to Show Up for SDCC

The saga of Rocksteady Games‘ mystery-that-might-be-Superman-but-also-maybe-not project continues. After a conspicuous absence from E3 2018, which happened to follow a truckload of rumors during a particularly leak-heavy year, everyone is still wondering when we’re going to hear about exactly what’s happening at the Arkham studio. And, well, keep wondering, because Rocksteady won’t be at San Diego Comic-Con either.
Naturally, making an assumption, or at least figuring that industry giant SDCC would be a logical next chance for a comics-friendly games developer to make an appearance, makes a lot of sense. After all, if a big Superman or Justice League project is indeed in the works, there’s probably no better platform. Alas, Rocksteady’s Jamie Walker attempted to preemptively squash this train of thought on Twitter. Walker wrote, “Inb4 people start asking about whether @RocksteadyGames will be at SDCC this year: we?d love to be there but won?t be ready to talk about our next game for a while yet. You?ll know when it?s time.”
There it is! Don’t get your hopes up yet yet – it sounds like this project needs significant time in the oven, still. It makes sense that people are getting antsy, as Rocksteady’s last release was Batman: Arkham VR in 2016, and things have been oddly quiet since.


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