DOOM and DOOM II Get User Maps Today, Along With Weapon Wheel, Quick Saves, and HUD Changes - Videogames Blogs

DOOM and DOOM II Get User Maps Today, Along With Weapon Wheel, Quick Saves, and HUD Changes

Last month Bethesda announced that DOOM and DOOM II would be getting massive updates that included plenty of reworked and new content. It seems that those updates are now upon us, and are available to download. As mentioned before, the biggest addition is user maps. Bethesda is launching the service with four maps. Both DOOM and DOOM II owners can grab TNT: Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment which, when combined, make up the official release Final DOOM. Owners of DOOM can also get John Romero?s Sigil, the quite well-received 2018 mod by the original DOOM creator himself, while DOOM II owners will get No Rest for the Living, a 2010 expansion made by Nerve Software as a bonus for the Xbox 360 port of the game.
While the user maps are probably the biggest addition, there?s are still a bunch of other features for this update. The games now run at 60fps rather than 35fps. Quick save and load options have been added, offering up a quick way to fix your mistakes. A weapon wheel lets you pick which weapon you want without cycling through every weapon in the game, though some of the weapons have also been added to a brand new quick select feature on the game?s d-pad. If you play the game splitscreen, the HUD has been changed so that both players can get the same information while less room is being taken up from the screen, especially for the bottom player.
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