Downward Spiral: Horus Station Review – Interpretive Floating (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Downward Spiral: Horus Station Review – Interpretive Floating (PS4)

3rd Eye Studios is set to release a PlayStation VR port of their well-received first-person sci-fi thriller Downward Spiral: Horus Station. Featuring 360-degree, Zero-G movement aboard an abandoned space station, and tools as weapons, it?s an intriguing concept, but does it transition well to console and the Move controllers" Find out in our Downward Spiral: Horus Station review.
Headset Technically Optional
Downward Spiral can be played without a PSVR headset, along with a regular DualShock 4, but the experience just isn?t the same. In fact, in regular ?flat? gaming, Downward Spiral is simply a barebones first-person sci-fi thriller game, with hardly any challenge. Indeed, death is kind of meaningless in Downward Spiral, as the player always respawns in a nearby medical station, with any enemies that were defeated prior to dying still being dead, unlocked doors still open, etc. This design choice may actually be related to the story, but it may also simply be a way to ensure the player is not frustrated by a few particularly tough enemies. For the full experience, the PSVR headset paired with two PS Move controllers is highly recommended. Moving about in Zero-G is performed at first only by physically grabbing on a nearby grounded (or heavy) object, and pushing off from them, or pulling through an area. Once in motion, Newtonian physics take over, and the player will only stop upon coming into contact with another object, or using a tool such as a grappling hook to p...

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