E3 2017 – Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Hands-On Preview – Kill Nazis as You Roll - Videogames Blogs

E3 2017 – Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Hands-On Preview – Kill Nazis as You Roll

Wolfenstein is one of the oldest video game franchises in existence. In fact, gamers have been playing as William ?BJ? Blazkowicz in some form since his debut in the infamous Wolfenstein 3D in 1992. At their E3 2017 ?Bethesdaland? celebration, Bethesda revealed Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. We were able to get our hands on a PC build of the game while at the show, and have impressions ready below.
Hello Again id Tech 6
Wolfenstein II uses the id Tech 6 engine. While we?re currently in the dark on hard technical specifics, the game ran at around 60 frames-per-second, possibly higher, on the PC build that we were playing. Lighting was moody, as things would be on a submarine. In such tight quarters, pop-in was non-existent, because there wasn?t much to show off in the distance. You should probably expect a downtrodden color palette, with heavy emphasis on the red and white colors of Nazi symbols, perhaps mixed with the various landscapes of the United States as BJ attempts to lead a revolution against their oppressors. The demo we played picked up where Wolfenstein: The New Order left off. BJ has survived a grenade blast, but just barely. He is now wheelchair-bound and weak overall. Naturally, in this weakened state, the Nazis find and attack him. Your goal becomes surviving the onslaught of enemies, while being severely limited in firepower and health.
Since BJ?s health is on the decline, you are limited to only 50 health for the duration of the level. You can acquire h...
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