E3 2018: Wolfenstein: Youngblood Announced, Launching in 2019 - Videogames Blogs

E3 2018: Wolfenstein: Youngblood Announced, Launching in 2019

MachineGames took the stage earlier tonight during Bethesda?s E3 2018 Briefing and announced that they are currently working on a brand new Wolfenstein experience for players. The game, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, takes place in Paris during the 1980s and has players taking over as BJ Blazkowicz?s twin daughters. The game – which is likely to be a standalone title similar to The Old Blood – is coming in 2019, and will allow players to cooperatively go through the story thanks to it featuring twin main characters. Not much else about the upcoming game has been revealed, but make sure to stay tuned for any future updates that MachineGames may have. In the meantime, let us know if you?re excited for the game below.
The post E3 2018: Wolfenstein: Youngblood Announced, Launching in 2019 appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

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