E3 Walks Back E3 2021 Paywall Plans After Negative Reaction to Reports About This Year’s Digital Event - Videogames Blogs

E3 Walks Back E3 2021 Paywall Plans After Negative Reaction to Reports About This Year’s Digital Event

Update: The ESA told VGC that “no elements” of E3 2021 would be behind a paywall, despite pitches that were sent to publishers as recently as a few weeks ago that had plans for paid premium upgrade packages.
Original: Earlier today, VGC published an extensive report on E3 2021, indicating that along with dropping the “Expo” from the name and rebranding to “Electronic Entertainment Experience,” that the digital E3 2021 could end up being at least partially behind a paywall. The official E3 Twitter account quickly put up a tweet of their own refuting the report, and stated that “E3?s 2021 digital show is a free event for all attendees.” They followed that with, “We?re excited to fill you in on all the real news for the event very soon.”
E3?s 2021 digital show is a free event for all attendees. We?re excited to fill you in on all the real news for the event very soon. https://t.co/HzTzaQEosx
? E3 (@E3) April 1, 2021

The statement, however, does not completely rule out elements of the show being placed behind a paywall, despite repeated attempts from VGC to plainly rule out a paywall.

I received this statement from The ESA moments ago, but it’s still yet to respond to my request to rule out paywall elements.
Also, isn’t it annoying when you hold a story for comment and then this happens" https://t.co/zVdGxzCB0k
? Andy Robinson (@AndyPlaytonic) April 1, 2021

The report from VGC, however, indicate...
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