Eclipse: Edge of Light Review – Yeeting a Space Baseball (PSVR)
I?ve always considered VR to be a multiplier. It has the possibility to take good games and make them better. Likewise, it takes the bad and makes it worse. I don?t feel like I?ve played many middle of the road VR games. At least, not until I played Eclipse: Edge of Light, that is; a video game that I have little ability to formulate much feeling for other than ?well, that existed, I guess.? It doesn?t do anything that wrong and has solid ideas throughout, it just doesn?t particularly do anything that interesting either.
The game doesn?t quite begin on its best foot. In fact, it can be described as beginning underfoot. The first few cutscenes are shot from camera angels so low, I was constantly clipping through the floor. This is already an incredibly weird way to start my time with Eclipse, but at least it recovered. You play as an astronaut that crash lands on a mysterious planet. It doesn?t take long to realize that they?re trapped in a time loop and need to try and bring an artifact to a tower to either save or destroy the planet. A bunch of lore can be found, telling the story of a prophet who found the artifact and used it to make themselves a god. There?s also a smoke monster, which I?m pretty sure is making a cameo from Lost, mostly because I?m not actually sure what it had to do with the rest of the plot. It?s interesting, if not particularly unique.
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Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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