Editor’s Letter – Goodbye Mobile Redirects, Thanks to Our Readers - Videogames Blogs

Editor’s Letter – Goodbye Mobile Redirects, Thanks to Our Readers

It’s a day for celebration at PSLS. Mobile redirects are gone! Thanks to the combined efforts of our readers who sent in examples through email, Facebook, Twitter, and anywhere else you could get us a screenshot, we were able to show that redirects had become a notable issue. You should now be able to browse PlayStation LifeStyle on your phone without worrying about when a redirect will steal the page. Technology is always changing, so we can’t guarantee that malicious redirects won’t get through again in the future, but we’ve taken preventative steps to make sure that we can watch for them and address any problems much more quickly.
We want to thank all of you who helped get mobile redirects removed from PlayStation LifeStyle. This is a big deal for all of us, as even the PSLS staff uses their phones to look at the site. We’re sorry that it took a bit longer than anticipated, but your persistence kept our heads in the game so that you can have a clean and stress free browsing experience when reading PSLS on your mobile device. As always, if you notice any mobile redirects or malicious ads, please let us know! If we don’t know about them, there’s nothing we can do about them. The best method is to email us tips(at)PlayStationLifeStyle.net, but feel free to reach out on Twitter, Facebook, or even in the comments. With the redirect issue taken care of, we can get back to focusing on what we do best: bringing you your favorite PlaySta...
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

Override 2: Super Mech League - Gameplay Trailer
