Everspace Review – A Turbulent Thrill Ride (PS4)

I imagine it?s difficult to stand out on the PS4 right now. Although it came out more than a month ago, God of War is still fresh in the minds of PlayStation owners, and that?s not even to mention the impending hype-train that is 2018?s E3 right around the corner.
And then in flies Everspace, a game that could only sound more esoteric if spoken by a poetry emcee. It?s a Kickstarted roguelite dungeon crawler set in space that already came out on the PC and the Xbox One. All that said, while finding the market for Everspace on the PS4 may be a bit of a head-scratcher, finding the joy in it is as easy as can be.
While you?ll find a different rating at the bottom of this page, I find there is a special rating I only give to very specific games, and that?s a 10 out of ?Stop Playing the Game and Review It Already.? Saying nothing else about the game?s quality, you can sink a lot of hours into Everspace without it feeling like a big investment. It was true on PC, and it?s true on the PS4. Reviewing Your Memories
Everspace starts you out as a space pilot who seems to have amnesia, and before you start groaning as I did, give the story some time to kick in. Soon, you?ll realize that you don?t have amnesia, but that you are a clone of an original pilot. Why did he make clones of himself" Well, that?s for you to find out.
You start Everspace in a procedurally generated sector with several different areas between which to travel. Each jump between sections requries fuel, so it be...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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