Fallout 76 Full Map Gives Us an Early Look at West Virginia

We already knew the map for Fallout 76 would be massive, as Bethesda’s Todd Howard told us at E3 2018 that “four times the size of Fallout 4.” But now we can take a look at things for ourselves with the official in-game map for Fallout 76. Welcome to America’s tricentennial!
Here’s the full Fallout 76 map.
We can see Vault 76, the vault players will emerge from, on the upper left side of the map. A key at the bottom left corner highlights major roadways, main highways, interstate highways, railroads, and rivers weaving through a variety of other landmarks scattered throughout. It’s too early to comprehend the importance of the different areas displayed on this Fallout 76 map, but it’s clear that some regions are larger, more distinctive, and overall more sequestered than others. While this suggests that there will be a few major areas in the game, I expect plenty to happen at the smaller areas in-between. After all, Fallout 76 adapts to how you play.
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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