Far Cry Arcade Features Assets From Six Different Ubisoft Titles, Post-Launch Content Updates - Videogames Blogs

Far Cry Arcade Features Assets From Six Different Ubisoft Titles, Post-Launch Content Updates

Far Cry Arcade is the map editor coming with Far Cry 5 when it launches later this month. Ubisoft offered up some additional details on Far Cry Arcade, including the number of assets that players can use for map creation and the post-launch content updates that Ubisoft will support the mode with.
On launch day, Far Cry Arcade will support three gameplay modes: Single-player, co-op, and up to 6v6 competitive. All maps are created by the players, for the players, with the library to be ever-expanding as the player base continues to create more and more. There are 500 levels of Far Cry Arcade progression to work through. Any cash and Perk Points earned in Arcade can be carried over to the main campaign.
Far Cry Arcade will start with over 9000 objects from six different Ubisoft games that players can use to create their own levels. Far Cry 4, Far Cry Primal, Far Cry 5, Assassin’s Creed Unity, and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag are five of the six (the final game is left mysteriously absent from the infographic). Apparently those assets will include material from the DLC expansions on those games as well. We’ve already seen the yeti from Far Cry 4: Valley of the Yetis. Based on that evidence, it’s likely we’ll see the Far Cry 5 Season Pass assets added when each of those are released. Speaking of add-ons, Ubisoft is planning on six post-launch content updates, including more than 1500 new objects and new developer created maps to round out the s...
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