Fortnite’s Exploding Cube Event Changed Loot Lake - Videogames Blogs

Fortnite’s Exploding Cube Event Changed Loot Lake

The most recent Fortnite update promised that the end of Fortnitemares would be an eventful one. No information was given to players beforehand, other than something would happen in-game at 1pm EST on November 4, 2018. The event resulted in the Cube exploding, leading to a soothing, yet apocalyptic in-game cutscene and a change to the map.
Here’s a video of the explosion.

As it hovered above Loot Lake, the Cube began to glow. It spun faster and faster, until it burst into pieces and seemingly disappeared. A flash of white launched players into a bright, but empty realm that was reminiscent of a wintry version of the Matrix. Finally, each player witnessed a cutscene in which shards gathered into  a whimsical butterfly that landed on the player’s right fingertip. Once the cutscene ended, players were transported back to the map, where they found a very different Loot Lake. Now, the area is a landmass comprised of tiny islands with several stones sitting in the middle of the one at the center.
Whenever Epic Games alters the map in Fortnite, it’s always a spectacle. The Cube is the game’s most recent source of mystery and lore. Originally appearing back in August 2018, the Cube (named Kevin by the community) had been the center of attention. Players carefully tracked its movements and even took a look inside. With the Cube now gone,  the question is, “What’s next for Fortnite"”


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