Fortnite Streamer Ninja Is on the Latest ESPN the Magazine Cover - Videogames Blogs

Fortnite Streamer Ninja Is on the Latest ESPN the Magazine Cover

ESPN has been an active advocate for esports for a while now, being part of an effort from owner Disney to test the waters of video game content on various platforms. Further cementing that, and no doubt causing some hot debate, is the cover reveal of October 2018’s ESPN the Magazine issue. On the cover is Ninja, the Fortnite streamer who smashed Twitch records and broke down barriers, in a sense, with an infamous stream featuring the rapper Drake.
Ninja has been the subject of several different articles on the current streaming and esports scenes, including next month’s ESPN the Magazine cover story that covers all those topics and then some. Editor Elaine Teng visited Ninja at his home in a gated community to talk about his schedule, his fans, the recent controversy about his refusal to stream with women, and other topics. Fortnite itself remains in the news with its frequent updates, as well as the continued and building esports presence that developer Epic Games has poured millions of dollars into. Most recently, Epic introduced the Port-a-Fortress to help players not so keen on building, part of an ongoing effort to make big changes to what some have considered a stagnating endgame. Epic Games also recently released some new, exclusive content for PlayStation Plus members, which is certainly a Plus.


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