Games, Franchises, and Experiences We Want in VR - Videogames Blogs

Games, Franchises, and Experiences We Want in VR

Resident Evil 7 is proving to be quite the virtual reality masterpiece, with 10% of registered players across all platforms choosing to play in PlayStation VR. While playing for our review, I played for eight hours straight in VR, happy that virtual reality is getting longer triple-A experiences. As I was playing, I couldn’t help but think what the success of Resident Evil 7 could be paving the way for in the future of VR. In fact, certain segments within the game sparked ideas for what I wanted to see, setting off the series of ideas you see below. Don’t worry, it’s not just a bunch of horror games I want adapted into VR, though those dark experiences do make up their fair share of the list. We’ve also added some games that are visual masterpieces, as well as experiences that are improved through the intimate immersion of PlayStation VR. With such a fascinating platform, I’m hoping that developers take the initiative to take some risks and continue to develop unique experiences for PlayStation VR. If any developer wants to skim off the ideas we have below, fell free. We here at PlayStation LifeStyle think these would make for stellar additions to the PlayStation VR lineup.


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