Get Every The Walking Dead Game by Preordering Final Season Now - Videogames Blogs

Get Every The Walking Dead Game by Preordering Final Season Now

Though Telltale Games and Skybound Entertainment announced earlier this month that the first episode of The Walking Dead: The Final Season would be launching in August, plenty of people still haven?t played the entire series of games. With that in mind, Telltale and Sony are offering players a chance to do just that, and all they have to do is preorder the Season Pass for the upcoming Final Season.
By heading over to the PlayStation Store, players can preorder the Season Pass now (available for $19.99) and claim not only a set of avatars based on some of the characters from the game, but also The Walking Dead Collection, which comes packed with enhanced versions of Season One, Season Two, 400 Days, and Michonne. If you haven?t yet, all four of those games should hold you over until the August 14th release date of The Final Season?s first episode. For more on the upcoming final season of The Walking Dead, check an overview from Telltale below:

Emotional, Gut-Wrenching Story – See Clementine’s journey through to the end. As she builds a new life, you will have to grapple with new types of choices and live with the consequences as AJ looks on, learning from your every move.

More Control, More Tension – A new over-the-shoulder camera system, greater freedom to explore detailed environments, and scenes with unscripted combat capture the fear of living in a world overrun by the undead and create the most engaging The Walking Dead game yet.

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