God Eater 3 is Confirmed Getting Released on PlayStation 4, World Premiere Gameplay Footage Also Shown - Videogames Blogs

God Eater 3 is Confirmed Getting Released on PlayStation 4, World Premiere Gameplay Footage Also Shown

Bandai Namco has today held a live stream to celebrate the 8th anniversary of their post-apocalyptic high-speed hunting action game series, God Eater. As promised, they have delivered brand-new information on God Eater 3, the highly-anticipated sequel to the series. And we have finally received an official confirmation that this game will be coming to PlayStation 4!
You can watch the new God Eater 3 trailer at the 19:22 mark. In this trailer, we learn that the protagonist (the avatar of the player in this game) is not alone as they are accompanied by their close friend Hugo Pennywort (who is voiced in Japanese by the famous voice actor Tomokazu Seki).
God Eater 3 has a new disastrous phenomenon called Ash Region which produces tremendous heat that even the atmosphere turns everything touched into ashes. Only the newest type of God Eaters?AGEs (Adaptive God Eaters), which the protagonist and Hugo have become?are able to perform activities inside these Ash Regions, albeit for a limited time.
God Eater 3‘s producer Yuya Tomiyama has also provided the world premiere gameplay footage of the game, which is available at 31:54. He showcased the new weapon types appearing in GE3. Dual Blades are the newest melee weapon type added, and they can launch a quick flurry of attacks. They can also be joined into a double voulge, although the user’s stamina will not recover while the blades are in this form.
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