God of War Director Cory Barlog Wants to Work on a New, Original IP Next - Videogames Blogs

God of War Director Cory Barlog Wants to Work on a New, Original IP Next

Cory Barlog has had a heck of a week. Review embargo for the latest God of War lifted two days ago and the game earned universal acclaim, leading to a series of emotional tweets and reactions from him. Now, Barlog says he’ll take some much-needed rest to spend time with his family and when he returns, he hopes to work on a new IP from scratch.
In a video interview posted by Skill Up (above), Barlog says that he’d love to create something of his own. “Something that’s truly coming from my original vision,” he continued. “That would be awesome.” However, he says he’ll have to convince Sony first.
It’s hard to imagine the company turning Barlog down considering the reception to his latest project, speaking of which, the director said that the universal praise made him so emotional that it caught him off guard. He attempted to make a video of his reaction to the reviews, and told Skill Up that he spent 8 out of 10 minutes crying. “I do feel like it was the completion of a very long, very difficult five years, and it was a little bit of vindication, I guess.? he added. God of War releases worldwide on Friday, April 20 for PlayStation 4.
The post God of War Director Cory Barlog Wants to Work on a New, Original IP Next appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

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