God of War Hack Shows Baldur Giving Kratos the Finger Off-Camera
Calling Kratos? and Baldur?s relationship contentious throughout 2018?s God of War would be a massive understatement. At every turn, the two are out to kill one another by any means. However, Baldur?s strong disdain for Kratos isn?t only evidenced in the violent way with which the two battle. Baldur also makes his hatred known behind Kratos? back, giving him the finger off-camera.
YouTuber Lance McDonald, known for his Bloodborne and Silent Hills/P.T. hacks, discovered the hilarious God of War easter egg. During their first fight, Kratos tosses Baldur off the side of a cliff. The mischievous villain tumbles down, but apparently does so in style. Thanks to McDonald?s camera hack, it?s clear Baldur flips Kratos off midair during his fall.
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Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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