God of War Infographic Details How Players Approach Combat - Videogames Blogs

God of War Infographic Details How Players Approach Combat

God of War’s highly-anticipated New Game Plus mode recently launched and, by all accounts, it provides quite the challenge. You may have to switch up your tactics, try new combos, and play around with different weapon and armor upgrades. Regardless of the challenge, it’s all in good fun. To add some context to the fun that millions are having around the world, Santa Monica Studio has released an infographic. The infographic acts as a general overview for how players are approaching God of War’s combat. You can check it out on the game’s website.
One of the more intriguing stats includes approximately 493, 340 people having earned the Platinum trophy, as of August 2018. It’s an impressive number, especially since the Valkyries aren’t easy to vanquish. Sigrun, the Queen and final Valkyrie, has an average kill/death ratio of 24 to 1. On “Give Me a Story” mode (the easier difficulty), Sigrun kills players 12 to 1. For “Give Me a Balanced Experience,” her kill/death ration is 34 to 1; “Give Me a Challenge” sees her k/d ratio slightly increased to 36 to 1. It should come as no surprise that the Queen Valkyrie’s k/d ratio on the hardest difficulty, “Give Me God of War,” is 100 to 1.
Santa Monica Studio also tracked the number of deaths since launch. The total number of deaths comes to an astounding 690, 267, 490–of this number, 94, 882, 964 have occurred in “Give Me God of War...
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